Polar Expedition

We’re delighted to announce that our Polar ExpeditionS will be late May and early June 2026, which is the prime time for visiting the region.
Over the last decade Carol and Will have been attempting to create a suitable Polar tour in keeping with our company ethos of providing sustainable, ethical and (most importantly), cost effective wildlife experiences. They have now achieved that aim and can offer a nine-day Polar Expedition (itinerary below) based in Svalbard, Norway. 

We are chartering the M/S Stockholm (details below), which has been sailing these waters since 1998. She caters for a maximum of twelve guests in six double cabins plus a crew of seven including two expert guides, and moreover, has the capability to access places where larger vessels can’t go; and with her two zodiacs, we can explore even further.

Day 1: Longyearbyen, Svalbard
The first night of our trip is spent in Longyearbyen, which enables you to arrive at Svalbard Airport at a time to suit your travel plans. A shuttle bus service provides transfers to our Longyearbyen Hotel.

Day 2 - 8: Expedition cruising
This morning you will have some time to explore Longyearbyen before meeting your fellow travellers and guides for lunch.
In the afternoon we embark the small expedition ship M/S Stockholm and sail out through Isfjorden.
We are now in a part of the world where we are totally dependent on the ice and weather conditions. Our exact itinerary depends on these factors and on the wildlife we encounter. Our ambition is to head out on Zodiac cruises every day and to go ashore when the opportunity arises.

Below are some examples of places we may visit:
Prins Karls Forland
This narrow strip of land is covered by a magnificent and snow-covered mountain chain. The island is also home to many seabirds and harbour seals.
Virgohamna, Danskøya
Two of the most courageous attempts to reach the North Pole started on the island of Danskøya. Swedish explorer Andrée made an attempt with a hydrogen balloon and American journalist Wellman started with an airship. There are still interesting remnants from these expeditions left on this site.

Fantastic fjords
Svalbard offers the visitor countless spectacular fjords. During our journey we will explore a few of them such as:
Liefdefjorden, meaning “The fjord of love”, is lined with snow-covered mountain peaks and here we hope to cruise along the face of the spectacular Monaco Glacier. Many common eiders and pinkfooted geese nest in the area and if lucky we could see the rare king eider. In Krossfjorden we revel in the beautifully sculptured front of the 14th of July Glacier to the raucous greeting of the large number of kittiwakes and Brünnich’s guillemots nesting on the nearby cliffs. Raudfjorden is an area of immense natural beauty – dominated by beautiful glaciers. It is also a favourite spot for seals and the bird cliffs are bursting with activity. The scientific village of Ny-Ålesund is situated in Kongsfjorden. It was from here that Amundsen and Nobile started their heroic expeditions to the North Pole.

North of Spitsbergen
North of Spitsbergen we might meet the edge of the pack ice. Not many ships venture here, and we can marvel at the silence and grandeur of this icy landscape. We keep a lookout for the iconic wildlife.

Southwest Spitsbergen
The grand fjords of Hornsund offer spectacular glaciers and a breathtaking landscape of towering mountain peaks, often reaching above the clouds. On a clear day we can see the summit of the highest mountain Hornsundtind, measuring 1431 meters. Hornsund is a favourite haunt for some of Svalbard’s polar bears and bearded seals are often seen resting on the fjord ice.

Day 9: Longyearbyen
Early morning we disembark our expedition ship and transfer to the airport for homeward travel. Or you can opt for an extra night hotel stay in Longyearbyen to perhaps explore the area further or to rest before a later flight.

Note: The itinerary above is for guidance only. Our exact route will depend on ice, weather conditions, wildlife and government regulations. The places mentioned are just examples of some of the many sites Svalbard has to offer. We always strive to maximise your experience. Please remember that flexibility is the key to a successful expedition!

Price: £7,690 pp sh
Please note that due to the configuration of the M/S Stockholm only double cabins are available.

Price includes:
First night hotel accommodation in Longyearbyen (B&B)
7 nights on board M/S Stockholm
Introduction lunch to meet crew and fellow passengers before boarding
All meals on board
All beverages on board
Guiding ashore and talks on board
All excursions and activities
Not included:
Flight to/from Longyearbyen
Travel, medical and cancellation insurance
Gratuity to the ship’s crew